Moon (2009)

Director: Duncan Jones
Writers: Duncan Jones (Story), Nathan Parker (Screenplay)
Stars: Sam Rockwell, Kevin Spacey
My Review:
                Moon is a sci-fi drama that happens in the future where man had found a way to harvest energy from the largest source known to man, The Sun. The energy of the form of HE3 is harvested on the Pink Floyd (The far side of the Moon) from the Sun and sent to the earth. “ The power of the moon is the power of our future”
                Sam Bell (Sam Rockwell) is under a three year contract on the Moon to harvest energy from the sun. He has only few weeks left in his contract and is very much excited to go back home. The long range communications to Earth are down for many years and not repaired due to budget cuts. But due to stress and excitement, he starts to hallucinate. This hallucination of him leads to a fatal accident. Then he is saved by Gerty, the robot.
                This story has a one big turning point after this, so I do not want to break your suspense. The entire film is on the shoulders of Sam Rockwell as he is the only human character in the film. The best scenes of the film were when Sam encounters the truth about him, when he shows his love for his daughter Eve and the Climax was at best. Sam Rockwell has delivered; he gave one of the best performances of his career. The music by Clint Mansell was good. The BGM throughout the movie was excellent. The story was well imagined and written and the way the plot was developed (Screenplay) was brilliant. Duncan Jones as a Director and Writer did great work in this film. The Visual Effects, Animation and the scenario were well chosen and perfectly executed.

My Rating: 7.9/10

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