
Director: Gregor Jordan

Writer:Peter Woodward

Stars: Samuel L. Jackson, Carrie-Anne Moss and Michael Sheen

My Review:

         This Thriller from Gregor Jordan is an appeal to the audience  "Should the Human Torture be legalised?". Henry 'H' Humphries(Samuel L. Jackson) is an Black Ops interrogator and an extortionist. Helen Brody(Ann-Moss) is an FBI Agent who works in the Anti-Terrorist Dept. The film starts with a video being sent to the FBI saying that a man named Steven Arthur Younger(A muslim convert from U.S) has kept 3 Nuclear Bombs in the country. Younger, from an Islamic origin is a citizen of USA and an ex-military operative. He is arrested and in order to make him elicit the locations of the bombs from him, H and Agent Brody are appointed and are taken to a High security secret base of U.S military. Now in order to get the information about the bombs, Should H do the Unthinkable? Will Agent Brody stop him from doing so? is the film.

      The film has been beautifully potrayed with the viewers look into the film from eyes of Agent Brody. Gregor Jordan has finally delivered a quality film at the big screen. Samuel L. Jacksom as H has dominated the film and has given a powerpacked performance. Matin sheen(Younger) and Ann-Moss have also delivered to the mark. The screenplay adapted in the film was excellent and the climax was good.

My Rating: 7.5/10

 Recommendation: Watch it...

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