Alfred Hitchcock's Notorious (1946)

Director: Alfred Hitchcock

Writer: Ben Hecht

Stars: Cary Grant, Ingrid Bergman and Claude Rains

My Review:

            The film Notorious released in the year 1946 is one best films of Alfred Hitchcock. Although its not a typical Hitchcock film, the movie was well written and directed. Alfred Hitchcock was one of the legendary directors of Hollywood whose mastery was directing Crime-suspense-drama films. This film starred Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman in the leads which was another pl;us point for the film as they were at the peak of their career. Thus the deadly combo of Hitchcock with Grant and Bergman turned out to be a blockbuster. The presence of Claude Rains in the villain role gave a meteoric boost to the success of the film.
            The film was well written by Ben Hecht. The story of the film happens right after the world war II where Cary Grant plays the role of T.R.Devlin, a detective whose assignment is to bring down a group of German Expatiates living in Rio-de-Janerio. The group was suspected to have smuggled huge amounts of raw Uranium. Ingrid Bergman plays the role of Alicia Huberman, a beautiful young woman who is a daughter of a convicted German expatriate. Her father was found to be a German spy and hence he was convicted. Devlin uses Miss Huberman as a spy to bring down the group of German Expatriates led by Alexander Sebastian(Claude Rains).
            The film has a wonderful chemistry between Bergman and Grant. As the film was taken in 1946, the romantic scenes don't go beyond a close-up scene of kissing. But still it was very effectively utilised by Hitchcock. The film has many great scenes which stood as pillars of success for the film.
            As for as the acting considered, Both Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman gave their best. They had their own best scenes in the film. Claude Rains who played the role of the complex character Alexander Sebastian, was the pick of the pick of the actors to have performed at best. Sebastian was a man with  evil intentions and a Heart to love someone. The role was perfectly executed by Rains. Claude Rains was nominated for an Oscar for his performance. Ben Hecht was also nominated for Oscars. So overall, this is one of the best films of that decade, please don't miss it.

My Rating: 8.4/10

Recommendation: Must Watch it and I bet you will become either Hitchcock fan or Claude Rains fan or both.

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