DEAD SILENCE is a horror film which uses the traditional plots of ghost stories which involve "VOO-DOO", "PUPPETS" etc. But still I liked the brilliance of the writer for providing a good horror movie with not much bloody gore scenes. The film stars RYAN KWANTAN in the lead.

             JAMIE ASHEN(RYAN KWANTAN) and ELLA are newly married couple who are about to start their married life in a newly rented apartment. They receive a parcel with no sender's identity. They oen it to find a Puppet/Doll. Seeing the doll, makes ELLA and JAMIE to remember the age old ghost story of their town RAVENS FAIR. The ghost myth of the town is based upon a ventriloquist named MARY SHAW. It is believed that she haunts the ones who scream seeing her in their nightmares.

             On the same day when the couple find the puppet, JAMIE returns home to find his wife being murdered. He becomes the prime suspect of investigation. The investigation is lead by DONNIE WAHLBERG (Det. LIPTON). LIPTON firmly believes that JAMIE had killed his wife and so goes out on a mission to put JAMIE behind the bars. On the other hand JAMIE seeks to find the truth about the puppet. LIPTON does not believe in the folktale of MARY SHAW and so the mouths of the citizens of RAVEN CLAW but not their hearts as they believe that "HER NAME MUST NOT BE TOLD".

             The picturisations of MARY SHAW as the ghost was good. But the crappy part of the film is near the climax where the movie looks as if they sought to finish the movie in a hurry-burry. The gore part of the movie are the dead bodies and the tougue that comes out of MARY SHAW. As all ghost stories have, this film also has a good twist in the climax. Overall the film was really good except for a few minutes of crappy screenplay near the end.

           Both RYAN KWANTAN and DONNIE WAHLBERG suited their roles and did s great work in the film. The atmosphere in the movie suited the plot very good and also the dull color effect throughout the movie was good. I loved the climax  and the way the story was built and portrayed. After a long a good horror movie to watch.

MY RATING - 6.6/10

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